Modified 5** Answer Learning English through Workplace Communication

Modified 5** Answer
Learning English through Workplace Communication
A Sweaty Yet Shiny Snow White Summer
Students in HK in the summer all line up to become one of the many interns of entry-level employees at a respectable organization; I am not the exception. Last year's summer job, for me, being a costumed Snow White performer in Disneyland, was an experience not so much a job but a fable.
The story started at 8 am every morning, where I would join a regular briefing session by the Performance Manager, Ms .Young, to learn about that day's parade routine and duty roster at the photo booths. After a final make-up and costume-fitting check, the whole cruise of parade members embarked upon the journey at 10 am sharp, seeping  through the Amazing Alley, Thrilling Thoroughfare and Sweet Street, each of us waving at the adrenaline-pumped kids and adults. On my special carriage, I relished performing the elegant Snow White dance steps and singing.
All these singing and dancing  routines were not only limited to the parade performance in the morning, but also the afternoon patrol. At around 2 pm, it was time for me to tour around Disneyland with my seven dwarfs; handing out Snow White stickers to the little cutie pies whi would give unbelievably excited facial expressions in return, together with taking snap shots with my fans aging from 3 months old to eighty year olds, this was one of the most beloved tasks of mine on the whole summer.
In particular; one of the reasons why I liked this patrol was due to the rewarding sentiment garnered in the process. Whenever visitors fervently approached me for a cheerful photo at the booth, even though the toddlers were togging at my costume sleeves, their sunshine smiles gave me motivation to keep spreading the joy around. Just a colourful sticker could bring such a big grin on the children's face, reminding me of how simple happiness was supposed to be, nothing extravagant.
Walking around in the Snow White costume often encouraged me to speak English to the visitors so it was a fay cry from having the limited opportunity to speak in school.
Apart from patrols, as costumed performers, we could be asked to randomly appear at the hotel buffets or hotel lobbies to converse with the visitors.I always signed my autograph on their little books with a cursive"Snow White". In this process of constantly having to meet a range of people, I find myself more at ease with people and immersing myself  deep into the cultural practices of Disney.
Indeed, there is a huge downside to this job. The sweltering heat could be too much like most entry-level outdoor jobs, especially the poor costumed character performers who were dressed in thick furry outfits covering their whole body. I was particularly lucky because I only needed a dress and an inch of makeup. Under the thirty-three-degree-Celsius heat mixed with the typical Hong Kong humidity, it was nothing short of a nightmare for us at  times from sweating like wet ducks. Unbeknownst to most desperate job seekers, the job itself did not provide a competitive salary, performers were paid for the time it took for the parades, patrol and the roaming around in the hotels, the time in between were discounted but the managers assured  us that it was a privilege to be able to roam around on Disneyland for free.
Just like every other memorable story, this summer fable went by so fast that now I find myself missing those Snow White days so badly, for it was no ordinary tale, but one that taught me how to evoke happiness from others. For those who wish to apply for summer jobs in the future, find a good one that you can acquire more life lessons  than petty cash.


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Modified 5** Answer Learning English through Workplace Communication

Modified 5** Answer
Learning English through Workplace Communication
A Sweaty Yet Shiny Snow White Summer
Students in HK in the summer all line up to become one of the many interns of entry-level employees at a respectable organization; I am not the exception. Last year's summer job, for me, being a costumed Snow White performer in Disneyland, was an experience not so much a job but a fable.
The story started at 8 am every morning, where I would join a regular briefing session by the Performance Manager, Ms .Young, to learn about that day's parade routine and duty roster at the photo booths. After a final make-up and costume-fitting check, the whole cruise of parade members embarked upon the journey at 10 am sharp, seeping  through the Amazing Alley, Thrilling Thoroughfare and Sweet Street, each of us waving at the adrenaline-pumped kids and adults. On my special carriage, I relished performing the elegant Snow White dance steps and singing.
All these singing and dancing  routines were not only limited to the parade performance in the morning, but also the afternoon patrol. At around 2 pm, it was time for me to tour around Disneyland with my seven dwarfs; handing out Snow White stickers to the little cutie pies whi would give unbelievably excited facial expressions in return, together with taking snap shots with my fans aging from 3 months old to eighty year olds, this was one of the most beloved tasks of mine on the whole summer.
In particular; one of the reasons why I liked this patrol was due to the rewarding sentiment garnered in the process. Whenever visitors fervently approached me for a cheerful photo at the booth, even though the toddlers were togging at my costume sleeves, their sunshine smiles gave me motivation to keep spreading the joy around. Just a colourful sticker could bring such a big grin on the children's face, reminding me of how simple happiness was supposed to be, nothing extravagant.
Walking around in the Snow White costume often encouraged me to speak English to the visitors so it was a fay cry from having the limited opportunity to speak in school.
Apart from patrols, as costumed performers, we could be asked to randomly appear at the hotel buffets or hotel lobbies to converse with the visitors.I always signed my autograph on their little books with a cursive"Snow White". In this process of constantly having to meet a range of people, I find myself more at ease with people and immersing myself  deep into the cultural practices of Disney.
Indeed, there is a huge downside to this job. The sweltering heat could be too much like most entry-level outdoor jobs, especially the poor costumed character performers who were dressed in thick furry outfits covering their whole body. I was particularly lucky because I only needed a dress and an inch of makeup. Under the thirty-three-degree-Celsius heat mixed with the typical Hong Kong humidity, it was nothing short of a nightmare for us at  times from sweating like wet ducks. Unbeknownst to most desperate job seekers, the job itself did not provide a competitive salary, performers were paid for the time it took for the parades, patrol and the roaming around in the hotels, the time in between were discounted but the managers assured  us that it was a privilege to be able to roam around on Disneyland for free.
Just like every other memorable story, this summer fable went by so fast that now I find myself missing those Snow White days so badly, for it was no ordinary tale, but one that taught me how to evoke happiness from others. For those who wish to apply for summer jobs in the future, find a good one that you can acquire more life lessons  than petty cash.


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