Science World#2:Clarifications on "BANNING WEAPONS IS USELESS"( Yung Man Tat)

While I go a guess about 10 months to 11 months ago, I made a publish video on YouTube ttitle: "Banning Weapon is Basically Useless", and it is explain 5 main reasons. The quality of that video is relatively low, especially for the autio quality was sound like a piece of shit, and I also discovered that I made some mistakes in that video and some of the information that I forgot to mention back then. 
Despite, that I have already to put a lot of afford on that video, but today I am going to made another video to clarify the mistake and add some additional information to it. I have actually included many quote on that video because quote are convincing and powerful if you know how to use them. First of all, they include the sentence saying "Real criminal are criminal because they don't obey laws" and this is quite straightforward and easy to understand, and I also enter the video to saying that  "banning weapon are a kind of pointless and immoral", but why, what is the reason behind this. 1 thing I forgot to mention is that people in general should have freedom to create an own weapons, and weapons should not be banned comprehensively but they can be regulate into certain extent. The example of regulating weapon include that certain specific weapon can be prohibited in specific location, such as school and sport stadium, and also underage people can be prohibite from buying and creating weapons on their own. And also, the use of special specific weapon can be prohibited on battlefield, 1 point or 1 reason I forgot to tell you is that the amount of people who die under weapon related murders is tinely when put into proper compression with other death reason under the absent of war. It was speculated that you are more likely to die in a train accident than to get murder by someone to use weapon, for example,.death reason by cancer,.diabetes, heart disease, car accident, train accident,natural disaster including tornado, hurricanes, earthquake, tsunami kill far more people than weapon murders do. According to the gunrighter Colion Noir that how I guess the name pronounce the population of USA was 3200000000 people and there are over 40 thousand who die from gun related death in the US each year. So, making its only 0.012% of the population, and at the same time, over half of all the gun related death that happen in the history in the US were manslaughter, accident or suicide. That means half of the all those gun related death was actually murders. So this fact tells us that the amount of people who owns or build weapons far out numbers of people who actually die from weapons that means it's unfair to banned weapons because of a small minority of people who got killed or who uses weapons to kill others as soon as there are many greater death reasons out there to be concerned about. So should I repeat when it comes to stopping or reducing the number of violence and weapons related death , providing more education and a more friendly relationship between people is always a better idea than banning or prohibiting weapons.


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Science World#2:Clarifications on "BANNING WEAPONS IS USELESS"( Yung Man Tat)

While I go a guess about 10 months to 11 months ago, I made a publish video on YouTube ttitle: "Banning Weapon is Basically Useless", and it is explain 5 main reasons. The quality of that video is relatively low, especially for the autio quality was sound like a piece of shit, and I also discovered that I made some mistakes in that video and some of the information that I forgot to mention back then. 
Despite, that I have already to put a lot of afford on that video, but today I am going to made another video to clarify the mistake and add some additional information to it. I have actually included many quote on that video because quote are convincing and powerful if you know how to use them. First of all, they include the sentence saying "Real criminal are criminal because they don't obey laws" and this is quite straightforward and easy to understand, and I also enter the video to saying that  "banning weapon are a kind of pointless and immoral", but why, what is the reason behind this. 1 thing I forgot to mention is that people in general should have freedom to create an own weapons, and weapons should not be banned comprehensively but they can be regulate into certain extent. The example of regulating weapon include that certain specific weapon can be prohibited in specific location, such as school and sport stadium, and also underage people can be prohibite from buying and creating weapons on their own. And also, the use of special specific weapon can be prohibited on battlefield, 1 point or 1 reason I forgot to tell you is that the amount of people who die under weapon related murders is tinely when put into proper compression with other death reason under the absent of war. It was speculated that you are more likely to die in a train accident than to get murder by someone to use weapon, for example,.death reason by cancer,.diabetes, heart disease, car accident, train accident,natural disaster including tornado, hurricanes, earthquake, tsunami kill far more people than weapon murders do. According to the gunrighter Colion Noir that how I guess the name pronounce the population of USA was 3200000000 people and there are over 40 thousand who die from gun related death in the US each year. So, making its only 0.012% of the population, and at the same time, over half of all the gun related death that happen in the history in the US were manslaughter, accident or suicide. That means half of the all those gun related death was actually murders. So this fact tells us that the amount of people who owns or build weapons far out numbers of people who actually die from weapons that means it's unfair to banned weapons because of a small minority of people who got killed or who uses weapons to kill others as soon as there are many greater death reasons out there to be concerned about. So should I repeat when it comes to stopping or reducing the number of violence and weapons related death , providing more education and a more friendly relationship between people is always a better idea than banning or prohibiting weapons.


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