研究報告#11: Environmental Engagement

  1. Environmental Engagement Elevation 
1.1.Encourage factor 
In this century, environment issue at the back of global warming are influent to the different characters at different countries. No matter businessman, government or citizens, are more concern to environment related issue. Follow the climate change, cities development and human activities become frequent after Industrial Revolution, the responsibility of environmental engagement of human become more major. Through the level of consider and responsibility of environment engagement. Consumer are trend to choose to purchase environmental protection products or services. This section will concern on discuss about the factor to encourage a organization to engaging with environment issues. The factor to encourage a organization to engaging with environment issues can be have measurable like performance and non-measurable like reputation.  
For the factor of business performance, if the organization are a product research, development and produce company, apply sustainable raw material or environment protection design on product, and then produce the product than can contribute to better environment. If the organization are not be the environment protection product production business, at least utilize sustainable raw material can due the problem of the endless non-sustainable materials mining behind the rising demand of indicated product. And then attract the customer which have the pursue to environment protection products, this way may stimulate the business performance of environment protection products produce. Effective to encourage an organization to engage environmental issue in market opportunities to apply sustainable raw material strategy to cater the environment protection produce market. 
In addition, the encourage factor of business organizations environmental engagement is from corporate value base on the corporate image and reputation may effective to increase . As mention above, environmental protection is a general trend, organization can conduct a “green business” image by building up a green branding through the trend. Business organization develop the environmental protection product not only can cater the necessary of customers but also steady the impression of “green business” image in customers mind, this is the thing that necessary conduct to external. In addition, to steady the green branding or green business image, green and sustainable report can show to public that organization is treat the environment issue seriously.1  
 Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has use wide range of raw material to develop sustainable packaging such as plastic, wood, cardboard etc. This organization develop different biobased plastic such as PEF, PLA, PBS and PHA, advantages of utilize biobased plastic are good in durability and heat resistance. The biobased plastic packaging plan has through the trend of growing demand of customer in biobased plastic and bio-degradable plastic.  
If the organization are the non-profit environmental protection organization, the ethical factor may encourage an organization to engage environmental issue. Behind the ethical factor can be the leadership reason to increase the environment protection awareness of society by activities, to due the environment issues from citizens engagement and then make a change after citizens transform their living habit, awareness to climate change. This encourage factor are not from the own profit of organization, is from the public interest to have a better environment. The benefit will be can combine the force of public and be a strength force to approach the aims of environment engagement. 2In addition, non-profit environmental protection organization can conduct a trend and then produce more environment engagement opportunities to public. Activity such as “No Air Con Night” is an annual activity hold by Green Scene, aims to transform the electricity using mode of citizens and understand the important of saving energy through this activity. This activity had awarded the support from citizens, business organizations, education institutes and political parties.3 According a survey conduct by Green Sense about the air conditioner temperature in office, 49.6% respondents point out that the office air conditioner temperature was cold, and major of them use a wrong methods which are wasting energy like turning on the heater, using an electric blanket, etc.4 Proof that environmental protection organizations still need to be the leadership character in environment engagement to transform the awareness of environmental protection of citizens and business organizations and the correct method response to the trend of decrease usage of air conditioner still need to be educate. 
  1.  Discourage factor 
It is mentioned above that develop environmental protection product is a method of a business organization to engage environment issue, it can stimulate the income if the produce can cater the necessary of customers. To develop any product, especially environmental product, are time consuming, not only need to conduct research about the product sales, market necessary, but also need to consider to improve the product and then launch a new one. To view by the profit organization, it intend to use more time on produce more product to increase the sales more than spending time in develop new product. Time consuming on product develop can be the discourage factor of organization to engage environment issue.  

 To view in cost, for the aspect of the direct or indirect environmental cost, the legal cost and fines are also the discourage factor of a organization to engage environment issue, in the process of product producing, once its illegal to mining raw material or hazard to the environment quality, fine by government, it will harm to the finance of organization. In the stage of new product produce, risk like environment pollution are need to face and it have the opportunity to pay the uncertain compensation cost, make a profit organization can’t get income but also lose in finance, the legal cost and fines can be the discourage factor of environment issue engagement. For the aspect of contingent or intangible environmental costs, produce a high quality product not only spend time, but also need to spend money to increase the quality of product. 5 
2.1. Ecological Foot printing  
This is a tool that measure the ocean and land area that provide the resource taken by human to support the life of human. It is use to measure the necessary of human to nature resources and ecology, to compare with the consumption of resource by human and ecology capacity ability. It is the index to show the resources consumption of human or organization and as a remind to human to decrease the nature resource use in daily life. Ecological Foot printing are having a formula to calculate: EFc=EFp+(EFi-EFe), this is a formula to calculate the bio-capacity by providing the data about the productive land and sea area to produce the resources that provide humans to consume and adsorb the waste generate by humans. For example to utilize ecological footprint to measure the necessary of beef of human to nature resource consumption, it need to destroy rainforest that the area are 130 times of Hong Kong be the grazing land to feed the cattles in every year. For the aspect of virtual water, it need to consume 15415L water to produce one kg of beef. This is the example of ecological footprint in beef consumption.6 
2.1.1. Strength of the ecological foot printing 
Foot printing is easy to calculate, let the whole ecological footprint is easy to use, especially for the non-scientists, can be the accessible indicator for them. Nowadays, humans are necessary to concern on the footprint because it related to climate and the living quality at the future directly. Use a simple indicate can form a constraint effect to the living habit of citizens, business organizations and government, let them can use the simple indicate to elevate the level of influent to environment cause from utilize the resources consumption, and then finally be a remind use to let them to reduce the level of resources consumption. If the indicate is complicated for them to use, they don’t know how to use or use a wrong method to conduct elevation, and even give up to use, the effect of indicate may not be work. Finally, can’t be achieve the use of constraint the living habit and the resource consumption level of humans. 7 
2.1.2. Weakness of the ecological foot printing 
Although ecological footprint can calculate the human resource need and constraint human in resource consumption, but ecological footprint will not provide any policies or solutions to due the problem, it just tell that if human can continue to consume resources or not.  (WALMART, 無日期)So the users of this tool are need to consider and use the right solutioby themselves, case the use of this tool become simplification, not comprehensive. 
In addition, this tool are criticized as over anthropocentric, it just focus on the human need when it calculate the biocapacity, calculate the part that is directly useful to human, and ignore the parts that are unproductive for human use, but the unproductive part are also facing biodiversity loss. Shows that ecological footprint have the blind spot, this case will let human just concern on to conserve the area that conclude on useful part. (evidentiary101, 2015).8  
2.1.3. Case Study-Walmart 
Walmart is a largest retailer in the world, Walmart has utilize foot printing tool to elevated footprint of company. Walmart cooperate with NGOs like World Wildlife Fund to conduct a project to enhance supply chain in the energy, agriculture, waste, packaging, deforestation and produce to decrease carbon emission. In addition, Walmart has also make decision in few aspect at operation and supply chain according the elevation of foot printing tool, like renewable energy, zero waste and green products. For the aspect of renewable energyWalmart has utilize solar power and install related facilitiesWalmart has also invest in wind power, Walmart agree to buy the wind power generate facilities in Texas to fulfil 25% energy requirement of 380 shops. For the aspect of zero waste, company are concern on the packaging. Closed Loop Fund has been launched, aims to let more recycle materials flow to the manufacturing supply chain, and finally to achieve the aim of utilize recycle materials in the packaging and products belongs to Walmart.  
2.2. LCA 
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is a method, technology of account and management the environment impact. In elevation stage, checking the level of impact to environment by a product. The factor that need to consider in LCA are the whole life cycle of a product include design, raw materials extradition, material production, parts production and assembly. In addition, LCA are also include few stages, from goal and scope definition to inventory analysis of material to environment, raw material consumption and emission to environment in production process to impact assessment, all the activities in LCA are surround to the impact to environment, so the advantage of LCA is it can help a organization to avoid or lighten the impact to environment by measures if an organization recognize the impact from LCA.  
2.2.1. Strength of LCA 
It is mentioned above that LCA can help a organization to find out the measures to avoid or lighten the impact to environment, In a long run, LCA can let a organization to be more responsible through engagement in mitigation measures. Through conduct LCA elevation, organization can design the mitigation measures to reform their production or operation way to cater the aim of environment protection. Behind this, LCA elevation can help the organization to make decision by getting and regarding the credible and relevant information, encourage organization to design mitigation measures by response to relevant information.  
Conduct LCA elevation can stimulate the business by establish the trust of customers. Conduct LCA elevation can let organization, company to ensure the impact of business to surround environment and the whole world, through the elevation data, organization can provide environmental information to customers or apply on the production process of products. It is mention above section that environment protection become a trend, if provide the environmental information get in the LCA elevation and apply on production process, it is estimated that organization can leave a good impression to customers and improve their trust to organization and increase the imputation of organization in another aspect. 9 
2.2.2. Weakness of LCA 
Conduct LCA is time consuming, it may be the factor to obstruct a organization to conduct LCA. The main reason are it is necessary to use plenty of time to gather the data, this depends on the complexity of participate by a organization in the whole LCA process. In LCA elevation process, it is time consuming in collecting different data like the data relate to “ how product, production process influent to environment’’, “ potential influent of energy, material, water, material usage etc. to human and ecology” etc. data which relate to the interaction environment, raw material consumption , and environment emission. 10 
2.2.3. Case Study-Tetra Pak 
LCA of food packaging of Tetra Recart in 2017. The LCA elevation cover the packaging system of canned food include steel and glass can to the impact of environment. The stages from raw material extraction to end-of-life management are cover by this LCA elevation. The LCA that utilize by Tetra are according to ISO 14004. The steps of this LCA can be mainly say as conduct the goal and scope definition, inventory analysis and impact assessment, and then conduct interpretation after having the data, information about the raw material consumption and environment impact etc. To determination and elevation what issue have and make conclusion then pass to the review panel to review before LCA publish. An example about this are system boundaries: cradle-to-grave. 

And for the result shows that  



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 研究報告#11: Environmental Engagement

  1. Environmental Engagement Elevation 
1.1.Encourage factor 
In this century, environment issue at the back of global warming are influent to the different characters at different countries. No matter businessman, government or citizens, are more concern to environment related issue. Follow the climate change, cities development and human activities become frequent after Industrial Revolution, the responsibility of environmental engagement of human become more major. Through the level of consider and responsibility of environment engagement. Consumer are trend to choose to purchase environmental protection products or services. This section will concern on discuss about the factor to encourage a organization to engaging with environment issues. The factor to encourage a organization to engaging with environment issues can be have measurable like performance and non-measurable like reputation.  
For the factor of business performance, if the organization are a product research, development and produce company, apply sustainable raw material or environment protection design on product, and then produce the product than can contribute to better environment. If the organization are not be the environment protection product production business, at least utilize sustainable raw material can due the problem of the endless non-sustainable materials mining behind the rising demand of indicated product. And then attract the customer which have the pursue to environment protection products, this way may stimulate the business performance of environment protection products produce. Effective to encourage an organization to engage environmental issue in market opportunities to apply sustainable raw material strategy to cater the environment protection produce market. 
In addition, the encourage factor of business organizations environmental engagement is from corporate value base on the corporate image and reputation may effective to increase . As mention above, environmental protection is a general trend, organization can conduct a “green business” image by building up a green branding through the trend. Business organization develop the environmental protection product not only can cater the necessary of customers but also steady the impression of “green business” image in customers mind, this is the thing that necessary conduct to external. In addition, to steady the green branding or green business image, green and sustainable report can show to public that organization is treat the environment issue seriously.1  
 Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has use wide range of raw material to develop sustainable packaging such as plastic, wood, cardboard etc. This organization develop different biobased plastic such as PEF, PLA, PBS and PHA, advantages of utilize biobased plastic are good in durability and heat resistance. The biobased plastic packaging plan has through the trend of growing demand of customer in biobased plastic and bio-degradable plastic.  
If the organization are the non-profit environmental protection organization, the ethical factor may encourage an organization to engage environmental issue. Behind the ethical factor can be the leadership reason to increase the environment protection awareness of society by activities, to due the environment issues from citizens engagement and then make a change after citizens transform their living habit, awareness to climate change. This encourage factor are not from the own profit of organization, is from the public interest to have a better environment. The benefit will be can combine the force of public and be a strength force to approach the aims of environment engagement. 2In addition, non-profit environmental protection organization can conduct a trend and then produce more environment engagement opportunities to public. Activity such as “No Air Con Night” is an annual activity hold by Green Scene, aims to transform the electricity using mode of citizens and understand the important of saving energy through this activity. This activity had awarded the support from citizens, business organizations, education institutes and political parties.3 According a survey conduct by Green Sense about the air conditioner temperature in office, 49.6% respondents point out that the office air conditioner temperature was cold, and major of them use a wrong methods which are wasting energy like turning on the heater, using an electric blanket, etc.4 Proof that environmental protection organizations still need to be the leadership character in environment engagement to transform the awareness of environmental protection of citizens and business organizations and the correct method response to the trend of decrease usage of air conditioner still need to be educate. 
  1.  Discourage factor 
It is mentioned above that develop environmental protection product is a method of a business organization to engage environment issue, it can stimulate the income if the produce can cater the necessary of customers. To develop any product, especially environmental product, are time consuming, not only need to conduct research about the product sales, market necessary, but also need to consider to improve the product and then launch a new one. To view by the profit organization, it intend to use more time on produce more product to increase the sales more than spending time in develop new product. Time consuming on product develop can be the discourage factor of organization to engage environment issue.  

 To view in cost, for the aspect of the direct or indirect environmental cost, the legal cost and fines are also the discourage factor of a organization to engage environment issue, in the process of product producing, once its illegal to mining raw material or hazard to the environment quality, fine by government, it will harm to the finance of organization. In the stage of new product produce, risk like environment pollution are need to face and it have the opportunity to pay the uncertain compensation cost, make a profit organization can’t get income but also lose in finance, the legal cost and fines can be the discourage factor of environment issue engagement. For the aspect of contingent or intangible environmental costs, produce a high quality product not only spend time, but also need to spend money to increase the quality of product. 5 
2.1. Ecological Foot printing  
This is a tool that measure the ocean and land area that provide the resource taken by human to support the life of human. It is use to measure the necessary of human to nature resources and ecology, to compare with the consumption of resource by human and ecology capacity ability. It is the index to show the resources consumption of human or organization and as a remind to human to decrease the nature resource use in daily life. Ecological Foot printing are having a formula to calculate: EFc=EFp+(EFi-EFe), this is a formula to calculate the bio-capacity by providing the data about the productive land and sea area to produce the resources that provide humans to consume and adsorb the waste generate by humans. For example to utilize ecological footprint to measure the necessary of beef of human to nature resource consumption, it need to destroy rainforest that the area are 130 times of Hong Kong be the grazing land to feed the cattles in every year. For the aspect of virtual water, it need to consume 15415L water to produce one kg of beef. This is the example of ecological footprint in beef consumption.6 
2.1.1. Strength of the ecological foot printing 
Foot printing is easy to calculate, let the whole ecological footprint is easy to use, especially for the non-scientists, can be the accessible indicator for them. Nowadays, humans are necessary to concern on the footprint because it related to climate and the living quality at the future directly. Use a simple indicate can form a constraint effect to the living habit of citizens, business organizations and government, let them can use the simple indicate to elevate the level of influent to environment cause from utilize the resources consumption, and then finally be a remind use to let them to reduce the level of resources consumption. If the indicate is complicated for them to use, they don’t know how to use or use a wrong method to conduct elevation, and even give up to use, the effect of indicate may not be work. Finally, can’t be achieve the use of constraint the living habit and the resource consumption level of humans. 7 
2.1.2. Weakness of the ecological foot printing 
Although ecological footprint can calculate the human resource need and constraint human in resource consumption, but ecological footprint will not provide any policies or solutions to due the problem, it just tell that if human can continue to consume resources or not.  (WALMART, 無日期)So the users of this tool are need to consider and use the right solutioby themselves, case the use of this tool become simplification, not comprehensive. 
In addition, this tool are criticized as over anthropocentric, it just focus on the human need when it calculate the biocapacity, calculate the part that is directly useful to human, and ignore the parts that are unproductive for human use, but the unproductive part are also facing biodiversity loss. Shows that ecological footprint have the blind spot, this case will let human just concern on to conserve the area that conclude on useful part. (evidentiary101, 2015).8  
2.1.3. Case Study-Walmart 
Walmart is a largest retailer in the world, Walmart has utilize foot printing tool to elevated footprint of company. Walmart cooperate with NGOs like World Wildlife Fund to conduct a project to enhance supply chain in the energy, agriculture, waste, packaging, deforestation and produce to decrease carbon emission. In addition, Walmart has also make decision in few aspect at operation and supply chain according the elevation of foot printing tool, like renewable energy, zero waste and green products. For the aspect of renewable energyWalmart has utilize solar power and install related facilitiesWalmart has also invest in wind power, Walmart agree to buy the wind power generate facilities in Texas to fulfil 25% energy requirement of 380 shops. For the aspect of zero waste, company are concern on the packaging. Closed Loop Fund has been launched, aims to let more recycle materials flow to the manufacturing supply chain, and finally to achieve the aim of utilize recycle materials in the packaging and products belongs to Walmart.  
2.2. LCA 
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is a method, technology of account and management the environment impact. In elevation stage, checking the level of impact to environment by a product. The factor that need to consider in LCA are the whole life cycle of a product include design, raw materials extradition, material production, parts production and assembly. In addition, LCA are also include few stages, from goal and scope definition to inventory analysis of material to environment, raw material consumption and emission to environment in production process to impact assessment, all the activities in LCA are surround to the impact to environment, so the advantage of LCA is it can help a organization to avoid or lighten the impact to environment by measures if an organization recognize the impact from LCA.  
2.2.1. Strength of LCA 
It is mentioned above that LCA can help a organization to find out the measures to avoid or lighten the impact to environment, In a long run, LCA can let a organization to be more responsible through engagement in mitigation measures. Through conduct LCA elevation, organization can design the mitigation measures to reform their production or operation way to cater the aim of environment protection. Behind this, LCA elevation can help the organization to make decision by getting and regarding the credible and relevant information, encourage organization to design mitigation measures by response to relevant information.  
Conduct LCA elevation can stimulate the business by establish the trust of customers. Conduct LCA elevation can let organization, company to ensure the impact of business to surround environment and the whole world, through the elevation data, organization can provide environmental information to customers or apply on the production process of products. It is mention above section that environment protection become a trend, if provide the environmental information get in the LCA elevation and apply on production process, it is estimated that organization can leave a good impression to customers and improve their trust to organization and increase the imputation of organization in another aspect. 9 
2.2.2. Weakness of LCA 
Conduct LCA is time consuming, it may be the factor to obstruct a organization to conduct LCA. The main reason are it is necessary to use plenty of time to gather the data, this depends on the complexity of participate by a organization in the whole LCA process. In LCA elevation process, it is time consuming in collecting different data like the data relate to “ how product, production process influent to environment’’, “ potential influent of energy, material, water, material usage etc. to human and ecology” etc. data which relate to the interaction environment, raw material consumption , and environment emission. 10 
2.2.3. Case Study-Tetra Pak 
LCA of food packaging of Tetra Recart in 2017. The LCA elevation cover the packaging system of canned food include steel and glass can to the impact of environment. The stages from raw material extraction to end-of-life management are cover by this LCA elevation. The LCA that utilize by Tetra are according to ISO 14004. The steps of this LCA can be mainly say as conduct the goal and scope definition, inventory analysis and impact assessment, and then conduct interpretation after having the data, information about the raw material consumption and environment impact etc. To determination and elevation what issue have and make conclusion then pass to the review panel to review before LCA publish. An example about this are system boundaries: cradle-to-grave. 

And for the result shows that  



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