Science World#4:How 2 grow citrus from seed(Yung Man Tat)

Hello, what,s up. This is going to be a short video showcasting you our experience of planting a lemon tree from seed. First of all, cut open the lemon or squeeze, open it and find out the seeds that are the largest or the most developed, I chose to pick them out using my fingers but I would recommend you using a forceps to do so if you just find them way too slippery, and then just handle the seeds with a piece of cloth or a towel because they can be quite slippery even they're relatively dry ,and then peel off the thin hard yellow outer shells using a small knife than what you can get out inner seeds of the lemons which are brandish red in color and then they are also not slippery and not reflective under the sunlight. Then wrap them up with a piece of paper towel or tissue paper and then gently soft the tissue paper and water until is fully saturated. Put it inside a plastic zippered bag and then inflate the zippered bag using the warm humid air that you breathe out then place it in a warm and dark area for 5 to 8 days and this is what you should normally see after 5 days you would see that the strongest or the most developed seeds will start developing its own roots. According to my experience, two of out those five seeds germinated within the first 5 days, then placed the recently germinated seeds into the soil and buried them for about a centimeter to half inch deep then place it in a place that receives mild sunlight. And this is what they should look like one week later, two weeks later, three weeks later and four weeks later. I actually had two of these seedlings planted in separated containers that are converted from plastic cups. The benefit of planting lemon trees is that they are relatively small trees even when they're fully matured lemon trees are really suitable for planting in small areas and they can also be planted in containers indoors as houseplants lemons are small evergreen trees that a grows under warm temperate and subtropical climates naturally and they thrive in soils that contain a lot of leaf litter or other organic materials ,they also prefer to grow under full sun despite that they can also survive in shady areas, so use of mulch and other organic fertilizers is also a really important one 


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Science World#4:How 2 grow citrus from seed(Yung Man Tat)

Hello, what,s up. This is going to be a short video showcasting you our experience of planting a lemon tree from seed. First of all, cut open the lemon or squeeze, open it and find out the seeds that are the largest or the most developed, I chose to pick them out using my fingers but I would recommend you using a forceps to do so if you just find them way too slippery, and then just handle the seeds with a piece of cloth or a towel because they can be quite slippery even they're relatively dry ,and then peel off the thin hard yellow outer shells using a small knife than what you can get out inner seeds of the lemons which are brandish red in color and then they are also not slippery and not reflective under the sunlight. Then wrap them up with a piece of paper towel or tissue paper and then gently soft the tissue paper and water until is fully saturated. Put it inside a plastic zippered bag and then inflate the zippered bag using the warm humid air that you breathe out then place it in a warm and dark area for 5 to 8 days and this is what you should normally see after 5 days you would see that the strongest or the most developed seeds will start developing its own roots. According to my experience, two of out those five seeds germinated within the first 5 days, then placed the recently germinated seeds into the soil and buried them for about a centimeter to half inch deep then place it in a place that receives mild sunlight. And this is what they should look like one week later, two weeks later, three weeks later and four weeks later. I actually had two of these seedlings planted in separated containers that are converted from plastic cups. The benefit of planting lemon trees is that they are relatively small trees even when they're fully matured lemon trees are really suitable for planting in small areas and they can also be planted in containers indoors as houseplants lemons are small evergreen trees that a grows under warm temperate and subtropical climates naturally and they thrive in soils that contain a lot of leaf litter or other organic materials ,they also prefer to grow under full sun despite that they can also survive in shady areas, so use of mulch and other organic fertilizers is also a really important one 


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